About us
Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership (W.R.A.P.) was established in 2014 as a Community Interest Company and social enterprise with support from a number of partner organisations and colleagues (company no. 09164222).
It operates as a multi-stakeholder co-operative serving the ongoing needs of its members and partners.
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Values
- To embrace restorative approaches in our day-to-day operations.
- To take ownership of issues, developing real and bespoke solutions.
- To put each person at the heart of the solution.
- To work collaboratively with other agencies and organisations whenever possible.
- To model restorative approaches in everyday working internally and with partners and stakeholders.
Our company follows restorative and co-operative principles and operates according to the Restorative Justice Council quality standards.
Our strength is our people. Our experienced professionals work as a team to provide consultancy, training, and practice.
Julia Houlston Clark
Specialist areas
Senior Leaderhsip, Advanced Restorative Practitioner, Restorative Justice Champion, Safeguarding Lead Officer, Criminal Justice, Prision Service, Chaplaincy, Youth Services and Education, Family based services, Environmental Health, Training Delivery, Conference Speaker, Project Management and Delivery
Length of experience
25 years
Julia is Chief Executive of Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. Julia has over 15 years’ formal restorative experience, although she has always been committed to positive relationship development and conflict resolution work throughout her life. She is proud to be a Restorative Justice Champion with the Restorative Justice Council. She is a widely experienced trainer and expert practitioner in an extensive range of restorative approaches, from prevention and early intervention in education and families, through to complex response work, including working with offenders and victims around the most serious harms. Julia has been trained in a wide range of models and restorative practices and is committed to continuing professional development and learning. Julia was a restorative justice co-ordinator and champion in the prison service locally and nationally for 12 years. She has been a driver of restorative approaches development in local government collaborative cross sector partnerships, community safety, children’s services and residential care, and in whole family based restorative interventions. Julia also delivers conflict resolution facilitation and skills training in organisations and teams, and offers managers training in a values based restorative approach to leadership, relationship building, and problem solving. She has always been a passionate supporter of multi-agency collaborative projects across sectors and with service users, and believes in the ongoing active participation and scrutiny by ex-offenders, recovered victims, and all service users in interventions.
Julia has led and co-authored the design of several national and local restorative interventions, including the SORI programme of restorative prison interventions (Supporting Offenders through Restoration Inside, approved by the National Offender Management Service) in prisons, with a number of local partners. Julia enjoys co-producing bespoke interventions to respond to sector specific needs and issues, such as school and local authority service area and team mergers, workforce development, community consultation processes, and pupil transition work. Consequently, Julia has expertise knowledge in what works in partnerships, engagement and delivery, and ensuring the sustainable resourcing and embedding of restorative projects. Julia has had a usefully eclectic career, with qualifications and relevant experience in youth work, teaching and community education, environmental health and housing, pastoral care, and in prison and university chaplaincy, family-based services, team work and leadership. She is passionate about working ethically and co-operatively, and is committed to practicing and modelling being restorative, especially in the way WRAP develops and operates.
She has been a regular contributor to media coverage of restorative justice, and is a regular local and national conference and event speaker and organiser. Julia was nominated for the Butler Trust Award and the Guardian Public Servant of the Year Award for her prison work, and has been awarded the Catholic Woman of the Year Award. Julia has been a school governor for 15 years, which has brought valuable current knowledge and experience of the many challenges and opportunities facing schools, and those they serve. To keep her skills alive, Julia helps lead local church youth groups and music activities whenever she can, and attempts to parent restoratively, her lifetime work.
Anthony Houlston Clark
Specialist areas
Restorative Leadership & Consultancy
Strategic Planning and Implementation
Restorative Training and Practice
Length of experience
15 Years Restorative Practitioner & Trainer
24 years teaching in primary, secondary, further and higher education
Anthony has trained in a variety of models and practices over the years, including restorative approaches and principles, mediation, conferencing, youth mentoring, non-violent communication, and most recently, domestic violence restorative family work.
Anthony has worked with over 100 schools, 15 Housing Associations, 5 Local Authorities, several businesses, criminal justice organisations and multi-agency organisations. To consult, help implement, develop practice and embed a sustainable restorative culture.
Anthony has worked across Europe, supported leaders and leaderships teams with implementation on restorative approaches, wellbeing, strategic development, teambuilding, and culture change support.
His teaching career includes teaching, education leadership and management in Cardiff, Essex, Hampshire and Boston, USA. Although his teaching and training experience spans all age groups, he specialises in secondary and further education, and social engagement with more challenged and challenging pupils, adults and families.
Anthony loves sports, being outside and meeting new people. Anthony is a Duke of Edinburgh Assessor and has led several groups from Bronze through to Gold Awards.
Post Graduate Certificate in ‘Managing Educational Change and Management’
Restorative Justice Council Advanced Practitioner (Restorative Justice Council)
Family Group Conference facilitator
Duke of Edinburgh Assessor
Leanne Morgan
Specialist areas
Senior Leadership, Finance Management, Human Resources, Line Management of staff, IT facilities, liaising with internal and external stakeholders, Accounting skills, Account management and budgeting, bid writing and tenders. Recruitment and employment of staff. Payroll duties.
Length of experience
30 years
Leanne is the Business Director at Wales Restorative Approaches and is part of the Senior Leadership Team. Leanne has overall responsibility for managing the business finances, including monitoring finances for partnership projects, overall business budgets, staff payments, purchase orders, Human Resources enquiries, reviews of policies and procedures and IT functions.
Leanne’s previous experience was working in a further education college setting as Head of Finance. Leanne worked in a large organisation in a busy environment for around 20 years in which she held many different roles within her department. Leanne’s regular duties within WRAP are to liaise with internal and external stakeholders to ensure sustainability of projects and service delivery.
Leanne has relevant professional qualifications and has studied for the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualification and has achieved her Master’s Degree in Leadership & Management. Leanne is skilled in having the foresight to make predictions in the business direction and can see gaps in the market where as a team WRAP should be focusing our skillset driving the business forward to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the sectors in which most benefit from the restorative approach. She is committed to the ethos and ethical value of restorative approaches and aims to capture the changes made in order to inform funders, commissioners and organisational leads to keep up our best practice standards and monitor WRAPs successes and
Leanne has dedicated time and experience in ensuring that WRAP are compliant and our data is protected and that WRAP are within regulation and are at our best practice standards for GDPR. Leanne has worked hard to ensure that data is kept safe and we are cyber secure. Leanne manages many of WRAPs technology systems and has expertise in monitoring, capturing data and reporting. Leanne dedicates her time to ensuring WRAP has all of its essential resources that staff need to function their best capacity and meet the learning and development needs of our delegates and participants.
Leanne is committed to restorative practice and evidencing “what works” in our outcomes in order for WRAP to sustain out continued research, practice and training development and practical application throughout all of the services.
- Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
- Master’s Degree in Leadership & Management
Kate Smyth
Specialist Areas
Restorative Justice, Research, Education (?)
Length of experience
Two years in Restorative justice practice
Kate went into restorative work straight out of University, and is now a trainer practitioner at WRAP, but focuses more on the research side of things. She is currently completing an integrated social science research methods and PhD at Swansea University in partnership with WRAP, on the impact of Restorative Approaches. Her experience includes holding restorative meetings for all levels of offences, as well as working with young people in a variety of job roles.
- Ba (Hons) Criminology and Sociology
- Ma (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice
Sansha Allen Jones
Specialist areas
Criminal Justice, Offender Management, Line and Senior Management, Employment services, Ex-offenders’ rights and entitlements, Qualified teacher in education, delivering training, Assessor, Trauma Informed Practice, Restorative Practice, direct work with service users, Bespoke Group Workshops
Length of experience
10 years
Sansha is a Group Facilitator for the WISE Personal Wellbeing service in partnership with St Giles Trust and Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. Sansha has works directly with people who have experienced the criminal justice systems and who have served time in a custodial sentence. Sansha has had lots of front-line experience working with people in the community who have difficulties with their mental health, additional learning needs, physical disabilities and supporting people to gain employment and build lifelong independency skills. Sansha has leadership skills and has worked staff management and senior management in a previous role.
Sansha is a qualified teacher and assessor and has experience of engaging adults with lived experienced in learning and gaining qualifications in advice. The service users, along with practical experience have been successful in gaining employment in a similar field. Sansha uses her excellent communcation skills and calm and encouraging approach to engage her service users and works to focus on their needs and help them to identify their strengths. Sansha is passionate about helping service users to reach their full potential and build their self esteem
Sansha uses a trauma informed approach to work with people and has been successful in engaging with complex and high-risk clients, including supporting them with all different aspects in order to look at their wellbeing as a whole, addressing their health needs, housing, employment, finance, relationships, substance misuse issues, homelessness, anger issues, complex offences and suport networks. She has spoken at events in to explain the benefits of employing ex-offenders and how to appropriately risk assess and is passionate about encouraging employers to employ people in a voluntary or paid capacity.
In her spare time Sansha is learning to speak Welsh and she is an animal lover and enjoys spending time with her beloved collection of pets ranging from stick insects to cats and dogs.
Megan Davies
Specialist areas
Criminal Justice
Length of experience
5 years working restoratively.
Megan is a Trainer and Practitioner at Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. Megan has experience working within the criminal justice system, working directly with people in prison to support them to make a change for them to progress and develop their skills for their future and reintegration into the community. Megan started her career in the prison service as a prison officer and later as an Interventions Facilitator. This included delivering group rehabilitation programmes and working with individuals on a one-to-one basis. During this time Megan was able to build on her own interpersonal skills and develop her understanding of restorative practice and the positive impact it can have.
Ellie Barrow
Specialist areas
Mental health, advocacy, co-production, participatory approaches, public engagement and consultation, not-for-profits, access to justice, change management.
Length of experience
13 years
Ellie completed her law degree at Cardiff University where she found a particular interest in ‘medicine ethics’, examining the connection between healthcare, law, and ethics, including patient autonomy, consent, and mental capacity. Ellie’s study of jurisprudence and sociology of law introduced her to alternative models of justice and affirmed her belief that traditional approaches to crime and punishment are not effective.
Ellie began her career as a participation and involvement facilitator, where she facilitated a network of health & social care professionals and individuals to promote partnership working and involve service users in the design, planning, delivery and evaluation of mental health services. This included project managing Powys Patients’ Council; a service facilitating inpatient representation on psychiatric wards. During this time, Ellie undertook national public consultations on various areas of mental health policy and service provision.
Ellie moved on to practise as an Independent Mental Health Advocate, supporting mental health patients in psychiatric units to access their legal rights and empowering people to have their voice heard in relation to their medication, treatment, and care. Ellie later managed the Cwm Taf Statutory Advocacy service, supporting a team of advocates and working collaboratively with the Health Board to improve service delivery whilst maintaining a complex caseload. She specialised in working with clients with learning disabilities.
Ellie later moved on to work in access to justice at LawWorks where she supported the development of pro bono activity and free legal advice clinics through engagement with the legal community in Wales. Ellie managed membership for Wales alongside the provision of a training programme designed to equip volunteer lawyers to deliver pro bono advice to a range of clients in the community. Ellie diversified the training offer to include Psychologically Informed Environments, Mental Health Awareness, and Working with Distressed Clients.
Ellie is passionate about accessibility, inclusion, and the power of relationships in building dynamic services and resilient communities. She has seen the transformative impact of challenging traditional language, power structures, and approaches which uphold ‘us and them’ dynamics. Ellie is delighted to be part of a team at WRAP who upholds these values.
Ellie delivers training across sectors with a particular focus on restorative communication skills and the difference these make to building effective and happy teams. Ellie especially enjoys working with schools and relating to her experience of attempting to parent a spirited toddler as restoratively as she can!
LLB Law, Cardiff University
Public Engagement: Theory and Practice Level 3 (Agored Cymru)
Level 3 Certificate in Independent Advocacy (City and Guilds)
Madison Johnstone
Specialist areas
Early childhood education
Length of experience
3 years
Madi is a Trainer and Practitioner at Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. Madi comes from a trauma informed upbringing, being apart of a family hosting foster children. She was raised in an inclusion focused environment engaging with children from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Madi has qualifications in Forensic Science and Early Childhood Education from Australia. This has given her unique opportunities in teaching in both Australia and Wales. She has followed New Zealand’s leading education philosophy, fostering restorative approaches in classroom settings and with the community. Madi has had experience as a facilitator and trainer from her early childhood background that she uses to create a dynamic training environment (with lots of games!)
Madi is passionate about following WRAP’s values and vision to create a restorative Wales.
· Bachelor’s Forensic Science, Deakin University Australia
· Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education, RMIT University Australia
Gina Joseph
Specialist Areas
Administration and Digital Marketing
Length of Experience
4 years working in Administration and Digital Marketing
Gina is an administrator at Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. After graduating with her degree in Film and Media Studies, Gina gained experience working in a variety of administration and digital marketing roles before moving to Cardiff in April 2023 to progress her career in Administration. Alongside her degree, Gina has also received a DMI Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing.
Training Courses
Professional Services
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We support people to find a way forward from a difficult situation involving others, through mediation.
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