Specialist areas 

Criminal Justice, Offender Management, Line and Senior Management, Employment services, Ex-offenders’ rights and entitlements, Qualified teacher in education, delivering training, Assessor, Trauma Informed Practice, Restorative Practice, direct work with service users, Bespoke Group Workshops 


Length of experience 

10 years 



Sansha is a Group Facilitator for the WISE Personal Wellbeing service in partnership with St Giles Trust and Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership. Sansha has works directly with people who have experienced the criminal justice systems and who have served time in a custodial sentence. Sansha has had lots of front-line experience working with people in the community who have difficulties with their mental health, additional learning needs, physical disabilities and supporting people to gain employment and build lifelong independency skills. Sansha has leadership skills and has worked staff management and senior management in a previous role. 

Sansha is a qualified teacher and assessor and has experience of engaging adults with lived experienced in learning and gaining qualifications in advice. The service users, along with practical experience have been successful in gaining employment in a similar field. Sansha uses her excellent communcation skills and calm and encouraging approach to engage her service users and works to focus on their needs and help them to identify their strengths. Sansha is passionate about helping service users to reach their full potential and build their self esteem 

Sansha uses a trauma informed approach to work with people and has been successful in engaging with complex and high-risk clients, including supporting them with all different aspects in order to look at their wellbeing as a whole, addressing their health needs, housing, employment, finance, relationships, substance misuse issues, homelessness, anger issues, complex offences and suport networks. She has spoken at events in to explain the benefits of employing ex-offenders and how to appropriately risk assess and is passionate about encouraging employers to employ people in a voluntary or paid capacity.  

In her spare time Sansha is learning to speak Welsh and she is an animal lover and enjoys spending time with her beloved collection of pets ranging from stick insects to cats and dogs.  

